How endings are not such a bad thing, after all

July 15, 2023
There are no beginnings unless there are endings. Well, except for birth. That's the uber-beginning. But endings are natural. Endings of all kinds. And they're...

It really IS all about the consequences

December 27, 2022
I haven't always made the best decisions in my life. Not the best decisions for me OR the best decisions, period. So let me make that perfectly clear. Also, I do...

What does it mean to be the black sheep?

March 23, 2022
Black sheep syndrome. It's that feeling that you don't belong. That you are different. That one of these people in your group is not like the others and it's...

Is your family crazier than mine?

January 17, 2020
Every time I think my family has the corner on dysfunction I learn that other families I know have it even worse. From publicly throwing each other under the bus to...

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