The fragility of civilization

March 7, 2017
"Not every tear in the fabric of civility opens a path to Auschwitz but that civilization is immeasurably fragile, and is easily turned to brutality and barbarism. The...

“You’re just afraid.”

April 27, 2016
By the time we reach midlife and thereafter, we've got a whole lot of life experience to call on, both positive and negative.  If we're awake and aware, we can draw...

Aging, artichokes and risk

August 3, 2015
Have you ever wanted to do something but been kind of, well, afraid to take the risk? Afraid to step outside your comfort zone? This is a photograph of my husband...

All the reasons

July 13, 2015
I come from a long line of fearful people, the kind who could give you all the reasons why NOT to do something and none of the reasons why they should. They knew why...

Do you hold the lion’s paw?

March 11, 2015
I hold the Lion’s Paw Whenever I dance. I know the ecstasy of the falcon's wings When they make love against the sky, And the sun and moon sometimes argue over who...

Living in fear

January 11, 2015
"Don't let the terrorists win." How often have we heard that in the past 15 years?  A lot. We're told not to succumb to fear because if we do, "the terrorists will...

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