The cycle of life

September 12, 2012
Rose Garden, San Jose, 2011 Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last.  The spring rains will come again. ~Sarah...

Summer’s bounty brought to you by Source

June 23, 2012
Hollyhocks in Capitola, CA These beautiful hollyhocks were growing outside a small strip center  in the tiny beach town of Capitola.Summer's bounty. Their...

Spring flowers: a cure for depression?

May 26, 2012
 Spring flowers make me happy. I've always thought that depression treatment should include some sort of flower therapy. And I don't mean just smelling them. That...

How to build a Moroccan garden

May 17, 2012
We made a false start at landscaping last spring, our first spring after we bought this house in Fall 2010. Maybe we didn't have a clear vision or maybe we picked the...

14 garden atrocities to avoid at any cost

May 15, 2012
We got to the garden supply store a bit earlier than our landscaper the other day and had plenty of time to peruse the place. We were astonished at the broad range of...

Gorgeous garden flower selections

May 12, 2012
Our landscaper took us to the garden center to choose some flowers for the new courtyard. We'll be going back for more, but here's a look at some of our first...

Flowers & squirrels; beauty & stupidity

August 22, 2011
Life on the central coast is full of little surprises.Vivid colors dot the grey coast overcast like little wrapped presents. I love wildflowers. Everything grows so well...

A peony break

January 11, 2011
The world's been just a little too ugly these days.I think it's time for a short peony break.To focus on something beautiful for a moment.Then, back to Diva's regular...

Flowers also grow in Edinburgh

June 18, 2010
They grow in abundance everywhere and I love seeing...

Flowers across the ocean

June 16, 2010

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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