Spring mood brightener

March 10, 2010

Brighten your day

March 4, 2010
Although the sun's out this chilly morning, it's been one of those dreary weeks when a cheery image is appreciated. I appreciate this one. Although I think there's...

Channelling spring

March 3, 2010

Conveying feeling

October 23, 2009
Nothing conveys happy feelings, love and best wishes better than flowers.I love jewelry, but give me a gorgeous bouquet, simple, but beautiful, and I'll follow you...

A perfect red rose in the sunshine

September 28, 2009

Sunday inspiration

August 23, 2009

Flower Power

July 17, 2009
I am so loving my flowers. My family our friends couldn't have done anything nicer for us.Oh, unless they were to give us a winning Powerball ticket or...

Good morning

June 8, 2009
Wishing you all a happy day. Don't forget to be...

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