Croissants, macarons + flowers: ahh France!

May 10, 2017
Yes, we're off to France for a while, hopping a plane to DFW and meeting our friends for the trip across the pond. Without my usual ton of baggage because I was more...

Why “Je vais en France”

January 8, 2016
We'd been talking with friends for months about a three-week trip to France and on the day we were finalizing our plans, terrorists attacked Paris. That day they...

Reconsidering options in a world under attack

November 16, 2015
It was a crisp, sunny blue-sky day in northern California. We’d spent the entire morning planning a three-week trip to France with friends for 2017. Emails flew back...

To Paris with love

June 10, 2012
Altered Gypsy My sister-in-love had last minute opportunity to go to Paris for a week and have a completely free place to stay.  She called to ask "What do you...

Retro — longing for the old days

July 27, 2011
I fell in love with this beautiful little address book from France,old, but still waiting to be filled.While I enjoy the convenience of having addresses in an online...

Only in France

January 22, 2009
I just love this story. According to news reports, 76-year old former French president, Jacques Chirac, was hospitalized after he was mauled by his 'clinically...

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