Eastward bound!

January 22, 2012
It's that time again. To Florida I gofor my annual, week-long visit with my girls.Yes, girls.Oh, of course they are women.But I like us best when we are doing girly...

Family drama

November 26, 2011
The holidays are half over: had enough of family drama? I have to tell the truth. The Legal Eagle and I like our holidays a deaux. I know we're not supposed to. We're...

Finding our way home

November 18, 2011
South in winter, north in spring: birds always know where home is. Back in the day, extended families all lived in the same area. "Home" was clear. Today, not so...

The party’s starting

October 12, 2011
A true friendmakes the journey more memorable.Today's the day, and I couldn't be more excited.Some of my truest friends are gathering formy belated birthday...

Food, glorious food!

July 5, 2011
Sicilian-Americans know how to give a party. My sister-in-law, in particular, is a master of party giving.The details for the Normandy invasion were nothing, compared to...

Martinis & manicures

March 2, 2011
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most. After three I'm under the table, After four, I'm under my host.-Dorothy Parker Back in the day, I had gel nails. Every...

Hip cats go to a wine & cheese pairing

February 12, 2011
Wine and cheese parties, remember them from back in the day? What, the 1950s? 60s? 1970s?Everyone sat around smoking. We'd unscrew the cap to a bottle of Mateus, throw a...

Vintage new year’s party

December 28, 2010
Cocktail parties disappeared about the time flower power took hold. But, for those of you too young to remember, there was a day when everyone got dressed up and went to...

A play!

August 6, 2010
Heading off to pick up a girlfriend & her friend in the mountains, and then off to Big Sur.We'll cap our day in Carmel, where we're going to a table reading of a...

A favor

June 28, 2010
I'm going to ask a favor.I've written before about an inspirational woman in Utah who was badly burned and disfigured in a small aircraft accident in 2008. I believe she...

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