Could I have cried my last tear?

February 7, 2023
My other ex-husband died a few months ago. I felt... nothing. Blank. Flat. Unemotional. No reason for me to be so indifferent about it. He was a good man. He...

Washed not washed up

August 4, 2015
Look, I ain't gonna kid you. Marriage is hard. It just is. Two completely different people living together for years and years? Hard.  And the only saving grace are...

Learning to love certainty

July 15, 2015
There was a time that I didn't like the idea of certainty. It was....boring. I preferred by far not knowing what was around the next corner. Surprises thrilled me....

Men in grocery stores

August 25, 2014
  He looks benign, doesn't he? A nice young man out doing the family grocery shopping. Something my father and most men of his generation wouldn't be caught dead...

The good old days

June 2, 2012
Whenever I start to think that the good old days were good,BETTER, even........I think about the 1940s and 1950s. Uhhh...maybe...

Just askin’

February 4, 2010
Me to husband last night: "Have you ever cooked a meal?"Husband: "No."Me: "How about a dish, something that's your "specialty"?Him: "No."Me, incredulous: ...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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