Foiled again

October 19, 2009
If you've followed along this year, you know that I have been dying to score some good drugs. Maybe some Valium or Xanax. Something I could cut into tiny pieces and...

Sleep, perchance….

October 3, 2009
If you completely conk out at 6:30pm, is it any wonder you find yourself wide awake at 2:30 a.m., having had your full complement of sleep for the night?Riley and M. are...

Random Thoughts on Tuesday Morning

July 28, 2009
Friends are traveling in the Southwest; their blog posts about it give me a yen for red rock country. I find a sense of peace and tranquility at Oak Creek Canyon,...

Sleep, elusive sleep

July 27, 2009
I envy Riley his sleep. It's an all-day and all-night thing, punctuated by bursts of energy and meals.I'm not sure why my sleep has been so erratic the past few weeks. I...

It’s all small stuff

June 9, 2009
FLH sent me this, yesterday. And he's right.I'm always crabby if I'm seriously sleep-deprived, and between being sick and all the things going on, I've hand insufficient...

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