Our reward is in the doing, not the equivalence

April 16, 2024
The reward for kindness is not being seen as kind, but the electricity of giving that keeps us alive.     ~Mark Nepo When I read this, it hit me like a lightning...

World on fire: what you can do to help

October 21, 2023
The entire world is on fire, whether you realize it or not. Many are suffering physically and emotionally. People you know ... as well as many you do not...

Why you don’t need anyone’s permission to grow

June 30, 2023
` When a friend posted this I recognized immediately the useful truth it contained. "Not everyone who started with you will finish with you." Yes, that is the way...

Even if we weren’t promised a rose garden….we m...

March 16, 2022
We planted a rose garden a year ago. Not a big one, but maybe a dozen bushes. And to our surprise, they bloomed that spring. Profusely. We enjoyed them all year. My...

Reinvigorate your life by reinventing yourself in exciting ...

December 8, 2021
Who says you have to do the same thing your whole life? You don't! Reinvent yourself! I love trying something new. Giving it a go. Taking the risk. Nothing to...

Why do they make manifestation all about stuff?

November 2, 2021
I am a woman of strong opinions. They are particularly strong about people I believe are falsely representing, well, anything. Like manifestation. Or...

Don’t ever lose heart

September 28, 2021
It's so important to stop, rest, take a break--even in the midst of all the craziness in our world. To not lose heart. How easy it is to spin out on the crazies,...

Whose music are you dancing to?

July 6, 2021
  This is, in fact, the life experience of many creative souls, from Van Gogh and Hemingway to writers I know and yes, even me. Even me. Not everyone...

Why you’re never too old

June 15, 2021
I'll be 70 this summer.  70! I can't wrap my head around it. Still, it doesn't seem as old as I expected, because it's never occurred to me to approach life with...

Live out loud and have no regrets about it!

March 29, 2021
If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will answer: I am here to live out loud. -Emile Zola I have always loved the truth of Emile Zola's exhortation. And...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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