Where did Christianity go wrong?

October 7, 2015
These represent how Jesus Christ lived and and by example, what he taught his followers. These are, in fact, the central tenets of the Christian faith. And yet, we see...

Is the Pope still relevant?

September 21, 2015
I was raised Catholic, although the religion never resonated for me. I'm no longer Catholic or even Christian, even though I think Jesus was a great man. That is, if...

A child was born / opening our hearts

December 24, 2013
A child was born in a manger, and whether we believe the whole story or not, in that moment, the face of the world changed. We don't always keep the reason for the...

India: Defining karma + feeding cows

December 16, 2013
Karma is often described as destiny.  But that's not what it is. It's a Sanskrit word for "act, action or word." Karma is a cosmic law that teaches that each of our...

What Jesus really meant

May 12, 2012

What Jesus says now

April 8, 2012
I was here to teach that there were many paths to God.  I repeated to others that I am not the only way,  though this was rewoven by other people to state that I...

No room at the inn

December 24, 2011
Our Christmas tree sits festively in a corner of the living room, decorated and lit.Underneath are a handful of packages from distant friends and family, but tonight,...

Palm Sunday: the myth, the magic of Christianity

April 17, 2011
"Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried,Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord."~John 12:13~ Well,...

"Christians." In quotes.

August 29, 2010
There are "Christians,"then there are followers of Jesus. Someone named Gary posted that response to something on Facebook and I couldn't stop thinking about it.A...

Love one another

August 30, 2009
I was reading an article the other day about the brain possibly being hardwired for religion & spirituality.It also addressed the possibility that religion is simply...

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