5 tips for a successful rose garden

March 14, 2023
It's that season! Soon, our rose garden will be bursting with color and I'm so excited! I have fallen under the spell of those beautiful blooms and enjoy seeing the...

Joy to this world…right?

May 9, 2022
You might be thinking, "how much joy is there in this world, right now?" Good question. We're watching Russia slaughter Ukrainians and must balance our nation's...

How to feel better in these dark times

March 8, 2022
God knows, I needed to feel better. It was a dark holiday for me, all about the things we've lost collectively and the things I've lost, personally. Too many loved ones...

What do we do with our stuff…& our nostalgia?

June 27, 2019
I've tried to stay as far away as possible from Marie Kondo's book on organizing, even though I badly need help. My brain just does not think in an organized way and...

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