The cost of love

February 21, 2016

It’s like we never said goodbye

February 14, 2016
We were so young! I wasn't yet 21, he was just 24, and there we were, walking down an aisle to a happy-ever-after life.  We were impossibly young; what did we know?...

La mia bellissima amica

February 12, 2016
I've never believed in the concept of a single best friend. Hearing "She's my best friend" always made me wonder how other friends would feel if they knew they were...

Love one another

February 2, 2016
This song plays constantly while I'm in my car, giving me plenty of time to think about the concept of loving one another. Not to mention how loving our brother...

Remembering your life

December 29, 2015
It began as a hike, a way to get some exercise, in a small, hilly city nearby. We had every intention of really pumping up the intensity of our walk,  but then,...

Where did Christianity go wrong?

October 7, 2015
These represent how Jesus Christ lived and and by example, what he taught his followers. These are, in fact, the central tenets of the Christian faith. And yet, we see...

The courage to come out

June 30, 2015
I heard a beautiful story during this Gay Pride month, of a young gay man afraid to come out to his traditional, ethnic and religious family. But he did. At first, his...

Love those who treat you right…

April 15, 2015
Love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don't. I'd make a tweak in that "Love the people who treat you right."   I'd say "Love everyone. But...

I’ll never let go

April 7, 2015
Once I take hold of your hand, I never let go – even if you let go. – Maharajji... shared at a Ram Dass retreat last year. It's all about being love. Such a...

Who knows what you mean?

March 1, 2015
A match is a match. It could be a lover or it could be a friend, but when someone "gets" you? It's priceless. Those moments when no explanation is needed? When an...

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