My valentine to you

February 14, 2015
To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when...

Love makes us strong

December 10, 2014
Any parent of a critically sick child can tell you that this is true. So can any caregiver. Love makes us strong. When we think we can not rise to the occasion, when...

Make the world a little kinder

November 26, 2014
I'm still ...what is the word? "reeling" isn't exactly it and "sad" is close, so maybe I'll just say that I'm still thinking about Ferguson and how we got to that place...

Do relationships have an expiration date?

October 8, 2014
I'm on vacation and my friend and former client, John Smith (yes, that is his real name) wants your input on a provocative post about relationships. More about him at...

Soul families and souls set apart

September 21, 2014
I've always been an observer, someone who's felt set apart from the crowd, moored a little out from shore. Truth is, I have always been very different from my family,...

Doing unto others

September 8, 2014
The Golden Rule--doing unto others as you would have them do to you-- is a major tenet of Christianity. It is quoted all the time. But how often is it practiced?...

Kill the world with kindness today

August 24, 2014
I like the idea of killing the world with kindness. Let's do it. Let's kill the world with kindness. Because kindness matters. Let's each do some random acts of...

Preparing for death: no unfinished business

August 23, 2014
Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? ~Mary Oliver Would've, could've, should've. Who among us hasn't had those...

Pray that peace take root in our troubled world

August 12, 2014
Pray for Peace I must interrupt regularly scheduled programming because the world has gone mad once again and terrorists of all flavors are running rampant, many in the...

Not the stuff of romance

August 9, 2014
Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. "The heart wants what the heart wants" is a truism that's driven countless romance novels, because we can all...

Follow Carol


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