Every women should know ….

December 8, 2016
THIS IS A POST FOR WOMEN AND THOSE WHO LOVE THEM My mother never talked about menopause. She appeared to slide right through without a single symptom that she...

Brains and backgammon

July 27, 2014
We've got some time on our hands. More than we ever used to. Time that M and I now spend fiddling with our various remotes. Cable, Roku, DVR--they're a time suck. ...

Could it be perimenopause?

April 30, 2014
I remember when I started getting night sweats in my 40s. It was the AIDS era and I was sure that was the source of my nighttime condition. A few years later I noticed...

Cooling off at mid-life

January 22, 2013
It's winter. That means sweaters, turtlenecks, coats, and, if you're a menopausal--or perimenopausal--woman, temperature-control problems. Dressing for winter...

Finally! products offering practical relief for the heat of...

July 26, 2012
A note to men: If you want to retain your fantasy picture of women, read no farther, as it may bring up visuals you'd just as soon not have.We were sitting over Greek...

How to get a good night’s sleep

May 21, 2012
; That's the question. When am I ever going to get a full night's sleep?   I'm well-past menopause and still, I can't stay asleep easily. After I refused...

Menopause education, courtesy of Kathy Griffin

September 27, 2011
THIS POST CONTAINS GROWNUP CONTENT.COVER YOUR EYES IF THIS STUFF OFFENDS YOU. I have a taste for women comics who go over the edge. Of good taste, that is. So I'm a fan...

Which way to the lost & found?

July 19, 2010
Haven't sprouted any facial hairs, though.Yet.Thank...

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