About therapy

May 31, 2013
No, it's not Christmas or even close to that holiday. But it's come to my attention recently that there are still people around who do not believe in psychological...

Mothering ourselves on Mother’s Day

May 12, 2013
Painting, women's rest room, Nepenthe, Big Sur   I've lived in a world of not good enough mothers imperfect bad mothers   But the mother is a child...

Christmas Eve memory

December 24, 2012
It was snowing hardand so cold that Christmas Eve,13 years ago,when we said goodbye to you at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Just wanted you to know I haven't...

Back to the future: a photographic trip down memory lane.

May 16, 2012
Most of my most significant old photographs have disappeared. Too many moves, for one thing. But also, when M. and I divorced in 1980, I discarded all our old...

Mother love: beyond this dimension

May 13, 2012
It knows no boundaries, earthly or otherwise. A Happy Mother's Day to mothers everywhere, including those who are no longer in this earthly dimension. Like mine....

Happy Mother’s Day to doggie mamas

May 13, 2012
Beautiful Henry is my sister-in-love's delightful Irish terrier. There is no sweeter dog. Anywhere.  He happens to live in Rochester, NY, and we visited him last...

Missing mom

December 22, 2011
Santa Maria Porcello CassaraAugust 27, 1925 - December 22, 1999 I know you're not really gone,but the world definitely seems smaller.I continue to live the lifeyou...

The wooden spoon

November 26, 2011
Show any Sicilian-American kid this picture and s/he will get it, immediately. Here's the scenario: Sicilian-American Mom: Don't do that. Kid: (does it anyway) Mom:...

Love without legalities

November 20, 2011
Here in the 21st century our lives are chock-full of relationshipsthat remain long after "official" status gone.Like an in-law.{I hate the "in-law" designation.}Or...

Our mothers’ unlived lives

September 13, 2011
A lot of my generation are living outthe unlived lives of our mothers.-Gloria Steinem Do you...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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