Should you hold back voicing your opinion?

August 30, 2017
When we enter the social media jungle we'll find assumptions. And at least a little judgment and sometimes quite a lot.  After all, many social media friends don't have...

What people think

July 31, 2017
This can be a very hard lesson, indeed. Because many times we're driven by what people think of us. Even if we're not conscious of it. People see us through their own...


November 12, 2016
Dear privileged white men and other delusional people: I have a few things to say to you. DO NOT ASK ME how I know that the stories I retell of detestable...

My heart hurts

July 8, 2016
I'd like to write something heartwarming today, like about my dog, or my husband, or maybe a friend I love. But really, I can't get over how my heart aches over some...

How Trump can win the White House

June 28, 2016
These are the people who can put Trump in the White House. Even though America was founded by people seeking tolerance and acceptance for differences, those are...

“Balls!” said the queen

June 27, 2016
"Balls," said the Queen. "If I had two, I'd be king." The King laughed, not because he wanted to (two) but because he had to (two). At dawn the air is cool and if...

What to do about privilege

June 13, 2016
I live in the same county as the Stanford rapist, his victim, the judge, the D.A. and the probation officer, all key players in a scenario that has been played out...

The human race

June 7, 2016
One of the most disturbing things about what's going on now is how so many people are more focused on our differences than our similarities. For those of us who were...

The magic of invisibility

January 22, 2016
“I don’t know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.”        ...

Foods I do not understand

January 19, 2016
I am not exactly an adventurous eater. I like basic food prepared well. I do not always enjoy the output of chefs who think combining odd flavors makes for a good (and...

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