The problem with an open heart

October 25, 2023
What? You don't think there's any problem with an open heart? You believe that's the way we should all live? Oh, I agree. It's a beautiful way to live. The problem...

Don’t kid yourself: inherited pain is real

September 22, 2021
Inherited Pain Children who were abandoned grow up to love people who abandon them. This stopped me in my tracks with its truth. Inherited pain is...

How to find the lessons

September 25, 2017
This can be a bitter pill to swallow about tragedies and loss, but that does not take away from its wisdom. Or its truth. It's something to think about. What does it...

Chronic pain & migraine relief

September 20, 2017
"The 12-member National Institute of Health Technology Assessment Panel on Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation Approaches into the Treatment of Chronic Pain and...

How to dial down your pain

June 4, 2017
If you'd like to learn how to dial down your pain, click...

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