Should I delay taking social Security or take it early?

April 11, 2023
I know plenty of people who decided they were tired of working and took Social Security as soon as they were eligible--age 62. But is it the smartest...

Our new house

September 10, 2010
I'm one of those people who knows instantly when she's found the right house. When I walk in the door, the house magically and instantly speaks to me. None of my houses...

Downsizing, rightsizing: a rose by any other name

August 30, 2010
We found a house. And now, decision time. Do you remember these?Sometimes, I wish the process of deciding could be as easy as simply using whatever these are called....

Many roads

August 6, 2009
It's called Circuitous Path and it represents the current decision-making process FH (fabulous husband) and I are in the middle of.It's almost like a game. Our goal is...


May 18, 2009
We're considering making an offer on a home.The seller is fairly intransigent, as the house is now significantly under what they have put it in.We don't want to pay...

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