Blessing same sex marriages IS a big deal

January 12, 2024
The Pope has decreed that Roman Catholic clergy may bless same-sex unions ... but maintains that as far as the Roman Catholic church is concerned, marriage is between a...

The world is black or white–or is it?

March 9, 2014
  It always brings me up short when I encounter people who see the world as black or white. The dividing line for them is sharply defined. Nothing in between. Funny --...

Pope Francis: a breath of fresh air for Catholicism

October 11, 2013
Veiled and dressed in white crinoline, my hands folded devoutly in front of me, I did the rituals of First Holy Communion and Confirmation just like every other good...

Drinking, the Pope & John Le Carre

January 9, 2012
Like most people who have been around a long time ---actually, who have been around, period -- I have a few stories, tales to tell, things that happened a long time...

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