How powerful is prayer?

June 10, 2024
There's a fairly visible pastor in my social media feeds. Someone I met almost 20 years ago in the course of my job. I was a bit...judgmental...about him and I...

How the Queen held space for our own grief

September 21, 2022
For many of us, Queen Elizabeth II's funeral held deeply personal meaning. Oh, we didn't know her. And maybe she wasn't our monarch. But nonetheless, we found the...

How to feel better in these dark times

March 8, 2022
God knows, I needed to feel better. It was a dark holiday for me, all about the things we've lost collectively and the things I've lost, personally. Too many loved ones...

Would you remember all beings today?

November 28, 2019
The Thanksgiving holiday is a perfect time to offer this prayer of our love and kindness for all beings. It's so beautiful you might want to consider it for grace at...

Lovingkindness meditation

April 7, 2017
Lovingkindness meditation as described by Jack Kornfield is such a beautiful thing to do, especially (but not only) when we're working on forgiveness.  It's so darn...

Prayer for protection

September 30, 2016
We can never go wrong asking for protection, especially if we're going through a tough time. Whether we're facing health issues, family troubles, problems on the...

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