Do you have a dog in this hunt?

December 15, 2023
Dog in this hunt: stake in the outcome. My position on any given personal situation, especially big ones like relationship endings, is to determine if I have a dog in...

The problem with an open heart

October 25, 2023
What? You don't think there's any problem with an open heart? You believe that's the way we should all live? Oh, I agree. It's a beautiful way to live. The problem...

The death of what you thought

October 17, 2023
Been around the block a time or two, and I think you have, too. And yet, we do have our illusions. Our hopes and dreams. And what we thought. Someone in one...

Why you should take a breath (or more) before sharing that

October 10, 2023
I follow the posts of a FB friend who is a psychologist.  A recent post got my attention because it involves one of the most destructive things to any relationship:...

“Life’s too mysterious, don’t take it ser...

October 4, 2023
Life's too mysterious, don't take it serious! For years I had this saying up in my house and I thought about it again the other month when a favorite cousin called...

Let them be wrong about you

September 6, 2023
It's a beautiful summer day on our spectacularly colorful patio as I write this. Ah, the beauty of California! A friend and I were talking recently about how...

How endings are not such a bad thing, after all

July 15, 2023
There are no beginnings unless there are endings. Well, except for birth. That's the uber-beginning. But endings are natural. Endings of all kinds. And they're...

Why you don’t need anyone’s permission to grow

June 30, 2023
` When a friend posted this I recognized immediately the useful truth it contained. "Not everyone who started with you will finish with you." Yes, that is the way...

I found the recipe for a happy life

June 21, 2023
The other afternoon on the patio I opened a book a friend had given me to a scene in which a mom was putting notes in her daughter's lunch box. It's not your...

It may look easy, but it’s still heavy

March 29, 2023
Just because someone carries it well doesn't mean it's not heavy. Well, I sure do have a lot to say about this. I've always been one of those people who looks...

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