“Old peeps” and I don’t mean the chicks

August 19, 2013
Last semester I sat in on a student project presentation. They identified their target market as "old peeps in retirement homes."  Looking at their shiny, 20-year old...

Cock o’ the walk

August 5, 2013
When I saw this painting I couldn't help but think of Derek Wills, the bad-boy director character on the (now cancelled) TV show, Smash. Did you watch? Its setting was...

We get by with a little help

July 26, 2013
The Beatles also said it well: We get by with a little help from our friends. John Donne said No man is an island. And I'm fond of saying We're all in this...

Everyone’s our teacher

July 24, 2013
  This is such a hard concept to learn, but such a useful one. The Divine sends us challenging people, difficult people, to help us learn, that's what I think,...

Changing our country one person at a time

July 22, 2013
What would it mean to live in a city whose people were changing each other’s despair into hope? – You yourself must change it. – what would it feel like to...

Gracious manners long gone

July 17, 2013
It's a lost art, that's what I've noticed. Being gracious is all too rare in our world today and I can point to multiple examples of that. Have you sent an email with...

Real romance is made up of tiny, everyday acts of love

June 24, 2013
There are probably women who don't like romantic gestures, but I can't name a single one. It doesn't even matter what the gesture is, either. That flower he brings when...

The silliness of sexting

June 22, 2013
The scene: Group of women of a certain age, in car coming back from a day in the city discussing this riveting 21st century topic. With much hilarity. If you...

Speak up!

May 23, 2013
It's really a surprise to me how many people keep things inside and never share what they're thinking and feeling. It's a problem. At work, by all means, choose your...

Love isn’t enough

May 20, 2013
Painting in Sonoma It doesn't matter how much two people love one another if they are developmentally incompatible, or if there is not a shared...

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