Goodbye, sweet, gentle spirit

March 13, 2014
  He possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man, without his Vices.  This Praise,...

Turning the page, saying goodbye

February 28, 2014
It was the late 1980s, before Starbucks, and before Borders and Barnes and Noble. A girlfriend and I spent quite a bit of time in Capitola and I became acquainted with...

Bettie Page: an American original

January 15, 2014
This post has an adult theme. If this offends you, please do not go further.         Back in the day, pin-up girl Bettie Page became famous for...

RIP poem

October 3, 2012
Poem upon friend's death Poem by Langston Hughes I loved my friend. He went away from me. There's nothing more to say. The poem ends Soft as it began- I loved my...

Saying goodbye to one of our own

August 21, 2012
I live in a community that cares for one another, watches out for one another and has over-the-back-fence discussions online with one another. That's right....

RIP, Miss Webster

August 6, 2011
It is with tears in my eyes that I report that my beloved first writing teacher, Miss Alice Webster, passed away on Thursday, just a month after I visited her in...

Elizabeth Taylor: we’ll miss you

March 23, 2011
Elizabeth just glows in this photograph with the love of her life, Richard Burton.She looks like she was at the happiest stage of her life.It's how I'd like to remember...

Where bluebirds fly

January 30, 2011
I'm sad tonight— sad for Jim and sad for those who loved him— and maybe even a little puzzled— what keeps coming to mind is this beautiful cover sung by Iz, who...

Jim Nowak, in memoriam

January 29, 2011
The world lost a caring teacher and humanitarian yesterday, when my high school classmate, Jim Nowak, died in Kenya, where he spent five months each year volunteering...

Elizabeth Edwards, RIP

December 8, 2010
Like many others, I thought she had more time. That the announcement of her stopping treatment was a foreshadowing of something that could happen soon, but not within a...

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