What are your thoughts on the Coronation?

May 7, 2023
The connection with history was hard to miss during the Coronation of King Charles III. Some version of this ceremony has happened for many, many centuries in Great...

9 surprise takeaways from the Harry & Meghan documenta

January 24, 2023
B When I watched the Harry & Meghan documentary, I wasn't prepared for these surprise takeaways: He was the one who wanted out, not Meghan. She has been...

Institutional gaslighting: The way it works

December 19, 2022
You may or may not know that I had a 30+ year career in public relations, much of it involving high profile people or public companies seeking positive media...

Loving the fairy tale

November 18, 2010
Cuppa? Handsome Prince William has chosen the lovely future Queen Catherine as his bride and memorabilia's already in British shops. {Cuppa tea, anyone? Stitch?...

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