Wagon, ho!

October 2, 2017
By the time you read this we will have finished our two-day drive to Santa Fe --where we'll live for the next two months. This will be the fourth year we've done the...

What do you DO in Santa Fe?

October 3, 2016
What do you do in Santa Fe for all those weeks? Someone asked me that not too long ago, and I was astounded. Same with the comment "I didn't find more than a day or...

Busker Joe & his wide river

December 3, 2015
Every Saturday in Santa Fe I woke up early and excited because it was Farmers Market day.  Between the incredible produce, of which we purchased liberal quantities...

Art love on Canyon Road

November 2, 2015
As our trip draws to a close I'm considering what I'll remember most. It's the light.  The light is what drew Georgia O'Keefe to this part of New Mexico and it's what...

Santa Fe colors

October 28, 2015
It's the Santa Fe colors that I'll remember when I leave here. How beautiful the deep red ristras are, and how omnipresent. The sun shone on this Raku piece early in...

When your toilet’s smarter than you

October 24, 2015
We were at the famous mountain spa 10,000 Waves in Santa Fe for massage and outdoor tubbing. "Meet you at the tub," girlfriend called out as she pointed me toward the...

Contemporary Native American arts

October 23, 2015
The Museum of Contemporary Native Arts on the plaza in Santa Fe is always one of the most interesting things on my to-do list. Come along and see some of the provocative...

Visit Santa Fe

October 21, 2015
We're here for a month and have been busy enjoying ourselves, which is why I haven't been blogging about it. "In the moment" is an experience that seems hard to come by...

Santa Fe sights: pick one

October 16, 2015
This is how I begin my mornings in Santa Fe and here's why: I must have my morning coffee. But one morning we decided to head out to the fabulous Santa Fe Farmers...

Autumn in Santa Fe

October 2, 2015
We started planning this a year ago, and finally, the day has come: we're on our way today to Santa Fe, NM, where we'll spend the entire month of October.  Fall in...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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