My life is a river running soul deep

September 4, 2023
Wait. Was there ever a time I recognized it... or felt self-conscious about it? I've always been soul deep, but not so sure I ever thought about it. Or worried about...

Body dysmorphia: when new and improved really isn’t

August 23, 2023
So Madonna had "some work" done a while back. Maybe just too many fillers. But people noticed and discussed. It's not a good look. Even the most ardent Madonna...

Why not write special thank you notes for your gratitude pr...

October 18, 2022
One of the most fun gratitude practices I've encountered is the idea of writing a thank you note to people who have done a kindness. That's right. A thank you...

What’s on your greatest hits list?

September 23, 2022
Sometimes, we can be so taken up with our day-to-day troubles, problems, challenges, that we forget how far we've really come. What we've accomplished. Or maybe we...

Why is it so hard to really “get” that it’...

September 13, 2022
There's nothing more difficult than to accept that some negative, nasty or difficult "feedback" we receive is not about us--not at all. Or, for that matter, positive...

Why you should respect but not fear looking within

October 5, 2020
If you had asked me months ago if I thought looking within was challenging I'd have said "absolutely not!" Well, not so damn fast. I'm in my hometown, 2,500+ miles...

Who we are

August 17, 2016
I love collage. I have no talent in the making of them, but I love them nonetheless. Special appreciation, too, when they reflect a person's identity. Who they are at...

Ruminations on a big booty

April 11, 2016
I distinctly remember my 20-year-old future husband's first words to me. They were in a bar near Syracuse University, where we both went to school.  I walked by and...

A flower by any other name is a vagina

November 18, 2014
The other day girlfriend told me that her nursing aide referred to her "flower."  Which apparently isn't that uncommon--it's an endearing term for vagina that was new...

How to be fabulous

September 28, 2014
I love drag queens. What I like about them is that they are unabashedly fabulous. Sequinned gowns, big hair, dramatic make-up--they embrace their fabulosity...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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