The best sex of our lives

May 18, 2017
So are you and your husband swinging from the bedroom chandelier after you file for Social Security? Back a few years ago I saw so much writing about how seniors are...

Do something about disappearing desire

August 12, 2016
I was in my mid-40s when I made an appointment with my GYN, with whom I had a great relationship. "Something's wrong," I said. "My libido has completely disappeared. I...

Are we really having the “best sex of our lives?̶

May 25, 2016
I loved the guest post on orgasm that Walker Thornton did while I was away.  Her reminder that pleasure comes in many forms--not all of it orgasm-centered--is...

Orgasm at our age

May 9, 2016
If you think orgasm isn't a big deal at midlife and thereafter, you're mistaken. Having one, not having one--these are topics of interest in our age cohort, whether...

Telling the truth about senior sex

November 2, 2013
This is the first in a sporadic series I'm calling "The emperor has no clothes." Let me start by saying that menopausal women who write about menopause are doing a...

Blogging: class, crass or just plain TMI

October 22, 2013
This is a post every blogger should read. There was a day when kissing and telling was impolite.  Apparently, those days are long gone, along with so many other...

Grandma’s still doing Grandpa

April 2, 2013
Anne Lamott wrote a hilarious account of a year she spent on A veteran of the online dating site, myself, I enjoyed her well-wrought description of her...

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