No-wrinkle Wednesday

April 29, 2014
Oh, it's not Wednesday? That's ok. It still applies. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times. "You're 62??  What do you use on your skin? You have no...

Prickly pear for skin care: you heard it here first

April 10, 2012
I remember my grandmother telling me that prickly pears were a delicacy in her native Sicily and how she loved to eat them. She lived to the age of 99 and her skin...

Face stretchers: such a great term

April 7, 2012
*Hover your mouse over product names for live links. Back in the Jazz Age, there was a common term for an old woman trying to look young: face stretcher. It's still...

Looking back, aging + …skin care? Yes.

August 26, 2011
Here's a little side trip; back to the Memory Lane series tomorrow and if you haven't, see post from earlier today. As I look back on the tales I'm blogging about...

Help for winter skin & girly girl treats

December 9, 2009
It's winter, and a woman's thoughts can't help but turn to moisturizer.Yes, the cold temperatures and wind in many parts of the country present a skin care challenge for...

Fountain of youth

August 25, 2009
My husband has marvelled numerous times that I don't look my age. His loving assessment that I look about 45 is generous, to be sure. And 13 years off the mark.People...

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