How we get woke

October 21, 2019
If only getting woke were as simple as walking through a door. "Get woke" means becoming aware of social injustices --and it applies especially to those of us born with...

We are one people

December 21, 2016
As the birth of Christ is celebrated all over the United States, we'd do well to live by his example. Words I never thought I would utter: "Honey, help me remember to...

Bridging the gaps that separate us

August 16, 2013
Well, ok, here's the thing. Some people may not agree and if you don't, I'd like to hear your respectful disagreement. Read on: We must learn to live together as...

Changing our country one person at a time

July 22, 2013
What would it mean to live in a city whose people were changing each other’s despair into hope? – You yourself must change it. – what would it feel like to...

Dr. MLK and love

January 16, 2012
I have decided to stick with love.Hate is too great a burden to bear.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.For those of you too young to remember,this is the way it wasin the...

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