The real meaning of “soulmates forever”

September 16, 2013
I would bear it all broken just to fill my cup. ~ The Decemberists Fairy tales talk about Prince Charming and happily ever after and yes it's true: meeting our...

Negativity is toxic to making dreams come true

May 29, 2013
It's that time of the month again. No, that THAT time! It's time for my monthly post on Making Your Dreams Come True at The Succulent wife. Want to read it? I thought...

Bound-up hearts

May 18, 2013
In a conversation the other day, I was taken aback  to hear a friend speak of another friend with judgment and condemnation. I saw the situation differently. I...

Heartbreak overload

January 9, 2013
There's so much bad news in the world it's easy to get on heartbreak overload--so many people in pain, hurt in such awful ways. For that reason, I'd purposely avoided...

Cultivating the garden of our life

December 7, 2012
Photo credit* Be gentle, kind and patient with yourself. Now that's something I need to do more of,because I'm pretty good at recognizing my own...

Turn resistance into joy

October 10, 2012
Curly Girl Design The night was the worst; she couldn't understand how anyone slept.  ...sometimes a moment of unconsciousness stole over her  but then she...

Let today be a new day

February 9, 2012
Here's the great thing about life:At any given moment, we can change how we feel.Sure, there have been times in my lifewhen I've let circumstancesbuffet me around a...

Season life with a little mischief

January 24, 2012
I remember* a day, decades ago, when late one night(long before the necessary paranoia that defines"security" today) after an evening out and a few cocktailsM, a couple...

The cost of safety

January 10, 2012
A beautiful scarlet bird in a cage. We'll never see a flash of scarlet across a blue sky. Or perched on a branch.This bird's safe.But at what cost?Have you chosen safety...

Sharpen your colored pencils

January 6, 2012
Sharpen the colored pencils,it's time to get to work,to draw your 2012 life with decisive lines,in bright hues,andwith a firm...

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