Proof that we’re living with love

January 3, 2012
Tears by Greg High Tears are the fruit of the soul.*I cry.I cry at sad movies.At homeless people.At animal cruelty.During hymns at mass.At the end of Silent...

Begin today

January 2, 2012
Kelly Rae RobertsWe've turned the page.Will a new life story start...

A life with no grey

December 4, 2011
This is my definition of a fun life:a messy bunch of bright colors.Splotches of contrasting colors in each can.A canvas daubed with different hues.It's no accident...

Mistaking effort for progress

December 3, 2011
Solid EffortIt's taken me a long time to get here, he said,so I don't really care if it's wrong.-StorypeopleThis is what it looks likewhen we mistake effortfor...

Creating our own reality

November 17, 2011
What if we did create our own realityand had to take responsibilityfor everything that's happened in our life,had an internal locus of control,had to face that our...

Reflecting the sky

November 10, 2011
I love this tiny reflection of the sky. It reminds me that no matter how well-defined we are, we are always a reflection of our environment, even if it's just a little...

Seeding blossoms

November 3, 2011
Every man dies.Not every man really lives.-William WallaceI read this the other day and loved it: I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me,to...

Letting go

October 29, 2011
Art by Kara Taylor Friends fell away as I individuated on my soul's journey.As I shed one self-sense, I no longer identified with the people attached to it.Old...

Get on with it

October 27, 2011
Life is something that happens in a flash.We just have a brief moment here,and then we are gone.~Steve Jobs, quoted inJeff Goodell's article inRolling Stone I've...

Navigating life

October 24, 2011
I've been lost so damn many times in my life it isn't funny.I have no sense of direction at all. None.As you can imagine, my life'sbeen a lot less stressful sinceI got...

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