Open every door

August 17, 2014
I open every door. This has been pinned up in my office for more than a decade.  The moment I saw it I had to buy it, because it's how I live. I never made a...

Is seeing believing?

August 14, 2014
  Some things must be believed before they can be seen. We're used to the way science usually works: We see it, then we believe it. We've all heard that seeing...

The spirits showed off. And delivered cool info.

July 14, 2014
  May I open my mind to receive wisdom from higher powers & allow their guidance to lead me to peace & tranquility all the days of my life. That's...

Journeying to shamanism

July 8, 2014
  It can be hard for me to turn off my "observer" and embrace the activity in which I'm involved. Because I really do like to watch and suss out and consider --...

Accessing my inner shaman

June 28, 2014
Something interesting is afoot this weekend.  I'm attending a beginning workshop in Shamanism. "What?" you might ask. "Does she think she's Native American?" Nope....

The resonance of symbolic rituals

June 13, 2014
The first shaman I ever met was a Native American woman who took me on a drumming journey that was both magical and mystical. Shamans have a long, rich history of...

Teachings from Master Spirits

June 7, 2014
If you’re not familiar with Brian L. Weiss, MD, who wrote Many Lives, Many Masters, a classic in the realm of spirituality, I highly recommend the book. Let me trot...

Are you psychic?

June 6, 2014
  It's one thing to think you are intuitive, as I believe I am and it's another to believe you can really read another person. I am at the 4th Annual Afterlife...

Seer, serendipity or snow job?

June 5, 2014
This is the second part of a series on ... well, what IS it on? Can the future really be predicted? Can some people actually talk to the dead?  In yesterday’s...

Psychic, soothsayer or scam?

June 4, 2014
Ever wanted to know if someone could predict your future? There’s nothing more fascinating to us than the future: planning for it, saving for it, thinking about it...

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