Are you a hipster?

January 17, 2014
The fact that there's an entire subculture that's immersed in the mindless minutiae of social media astounds me. Oh, you're wondering what a hipster is?  There are a...

Transitioning from corporate to consulting

December 18, 2013
Corporate boom times are long gone—I can’t remember for how long that “downsizing” has been so prevalent but people have been laid off in droves for more than a...

In support of civilized discourse

October 6, 2013
There's too little civilized discourse these days, and too much heated rhetoric. Any chance to understand people who hold different beliefs is overwhelmed by insults...

Selfies & social media: “it’s all about me...

September 5, 2013
Sometimes it gets to be more than a bit too much. Every single day I open my Facebook page and see at least one and often more than one brand new flattering photo of...

Bridging the gaps that separate us

August 16, 2013
Well, ok, here's the thing. Some people may not agree and if you don't, I'd like to hear your respectful disagreement. Read on: We must learn to live together as...

The graveyard that’s Page 2 of Google

July 10, 2013
This is scarily true.  Who even looks at page two of Google search results? Hardly anyone.   We're lazy, basically, and digging takes too much effort. Today, digging...

How we spend the {still limited} hours of our long life is ...

July 8, 2013
Damaged, creative, crazy soul-- I love Sylvia Plath and can't get enough of books by and about her. Her journals? OMG, the words in her journals are lively, active,...

Trading Facebook for facetime

July 1, 2013
A few weeks ago an online friend commented that she'd given up her addiction to social media and had never been happier. I struggle, myself, with the amount of time I...

Dialogue is how we reach understanding

June 26, 2013
National (and individual) conversations about racism, homophobia and bigotry have amped up this week, starting with the Paula Deen deposition and on to the invalidation...

Married to a Luddite

June 2, 2013
"Are you on Facebook?" someone recently asked my husband. He said that he was not. "I can't imagine why anyone would be interested in the minutiae of my daily life,...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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