Kindle evaluation

October 3, 2009
M. and I both used the Kindle extensively on our trip. By popular demand, here's our review.The goodIt's ingenious.I love the convenience of bringing 15 books to Italy...


August 26, 2009
After fighting it for months, we have capitulated and bought a Kindle. I'm expecting it to arrive next week.We bought the smaller one, as a trial run. It's very...

Filipino prisoners can’t dance.

June 28, 2009
I love Michael K. From I quote his blog below, and it is worth the 10 minutes to see this clip. It's ...surreally funny ... I mean, you don't know whether...


June 8, 2009
I'm hiding out upstairs in my office; the drone of the vacuum cleaner is making me crazy. I'm usually the maid service's first clean of the day, but today I'm second and...

Silcon Valley, the open road, and mortality

May 10, 2009
In just a few days, we’ll be off to California. Since this is FLH’s “fam” trip, I’ve been trying to give him a feel for what it was like to live out there. I...

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