Cupcake of the day: Mad Men

October 20, 2010
Nope. Not kidding. These are Mad Men cupcakes. Complete with cigarette butt and maraschino cherry.You can find these over at, along with...

Mad Men & human nature

October 19, 2010
You only like the beginning of things, Dr. Fay Miller says to Don Draper on Mad Men.But isn't that human nature? We all like the beginning of things best. When...

The wisdom of Don Draper

October 8, 2010
"People tell us who they are,but we ignore it, because we want them to bewho we want them to be.”-Don Draper/Mad Men....

Real Mad men out of control

September 12, 2010
Why the Federal Trade Commission was...

Redemption Day

July 18, 2010
Don't believe in God? Come out here. Ever wonder about a power greater than yourself? There it is. - crab fisherman in the middle of a raging 1,000 mile storm on the...

Authentic was his middle name

July 18, 2010
I watched the last few episodes of The Deadliest Catch this month, the ones that lead to Capt. Phil Harris' death. Capt. Phil was arguably the star of the show. A...

Sanctuary; death & all his friends

May 25, 2010
Grey's Anatomy is the best TV show ever. I mean it. M. and I have gotten attached to the characters and that only happens when a show is well-written and well-acted.The...

A pearl forming in an oyster

April 13, 2010
The Season 3 finale of Mad Men had me riveted to the screen. Jon Hamm ought to get an Emmy for the last two shows of that season. His acting was incredible.M. says that...


March 26, 2010
Whomever chooses the music for Grey's Anatomy does an incredible job. This is Heaven by Brett Dennen and it ended last night's episode, which was incredible, itself....

RIP, Captain Phil

February 10, 2010
You may remember last spring, when Riley and I were housebound with what I think was swine flu, what got me through the three-day fever was watching The Deadliest Catch...

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