Don’t reject, inspect!

June 13, 2024
I'm always shocked when people with scientific backgrounds reject non-traditional thought out of hand. "No way!" they insist. "The science isn't there!" Well,...

Secrets and lies: what we know | what we don’t know

October 13, 2021
The motto of a truly open mind is we don't know what we don't know. A mind that accepts that any possibility could be true is a beautiful thing. Exploring my...

Keeping secrets

March 14, 2017
When we think something is "hard to believe" it's usually because it doesn't fit our existing paradigm of the world. Most of us are wedded to our view of how things are:...

Welcome to my brain: about UFOs

May 18, 2016
I don't like small talk.  When I found myself sitting next to a retired fighter jet pilot at lunch in Portugal I peppered him with questions about his time at West...

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