A day in the Castro

February 17, 2015
There's no place like The Castro (district) in San Francisco, not even Greenwich Village (which is hallowed ground, thanks to the 1969 Stonewall riots that began the...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

January 25, 2015
You've heard the expression, right? You probably didn't know its title, which is To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. Virgin or not, everyone can appreciate the...

Going back in time

May 14, 2014
There was once a day when we knew the model and make of every car on the road. Including this iconic finned Cadillac Coup de Ville that we spied while out on errands a...

Alcatraz: mystical, mysterious, must-see

March 29, 2014
Alcatraz is a mystical place for me. That big rock sitting out in the middle of San Francisco Bay, sometimes glinting in sunshine and other times cloaked in fog. Where...

Yes, my darlings, spring has sprung

March 22, 2014
Spring. It's sprung, at least this week and at least in the San Francisco Bay area and on the Monterey peninsula. And in Sonoma. Here's what I found on my...

Breathing in the Beats at City Lights

March 20, 2014
City Lights may well have the richest literary heritage of any independent bookstore in the United States. Inhale, and breathe in the history of Beat literature. City...

The pilgrimage called “life”

March 18, 2014
When we think of pilgrimages we think of white-robed faithful walking a spiritual journey. They leave their destination expecting to encounter hardships along the way...

Tenements, immigrants + courage

March 14, 2014
We think we're brave? No. Here's brave: A mother with babe in arms getting on a boat in Sicily--or Ireland--or any other country-- in some form of steerage under...

My fantasy world

March 7, 2014
So girlfriend and were chatting yesterday.  She's around my age and had a beautiful mother whose genes she inherited. Although she doesn't think so. And so she's had a...

Snow, ice & Currier & Ives

February 24, 2014
Snow.  That scene's  idyllic, isn't it? The snow looks so soft and fluffy. But when you've had so much of it, the charm dissipates a bit.  That's what my...

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