A few thoughts about Cuomo’s resignation

August 10, 2021
Cuomo's resignation is today's breaking news. So let's break it down. I am a Democrat and lean left. More than lean. I am of Sicilian descent, generally a...


November 12, 2016
Dear privileged white men and other delusional people: I have a few things to say to you. DO NOT ASK ME how I know that the stories I retell of detestable...

“Balls!” said the queen

June 27, 2016
"Balls," said the Queen. "If I had two, I'd be king." The King laughed, not because he wanted to (two) but because he had to (two). At dawn the air is cool and if...

What to do about privilege

June 13, 2016
I live in the same county as the Stanford rapist, his victim, the judge, the D.A. and the probation officer, all key players in a scenario that has been played out...

Waiting for a sign

July 9, 2015
The prestigious Commonwealth Club of California, which touts itself as the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum and has played host to such luminaries as...

Whoopi Goldberg on rape: out of touch

November 19, 2014
You may remember my blog post two weeks ago about Bill Cosby, HERE. The story has progressed. More women have come out and charged that he raped them. Well, drugged...

“Just because you can…”

April 4, 2014
There seems to be a whole lotta pride out there, these days, and I'm all for it. But when the internet allows everyone the opportunity to strut their stuff for all...

Why women don’t succeed in business

March 23, 2014
We can talk all we like about leaning in, leaning back, not leaning at all or any other concept that purports to understand why women aren't better represented at...

Women as primary breadwinner: the struggle

March 5, 2014
Women in my age group  are carrying the majority of the financial burden in their families more often than before, or so it seems to me. At least half a dozen women I...

Intimidate you? Right.

February 8, 2014
Yes, in my single, young womanhood,  this was an issue. Not even that young--maybe mid-30s in age, the mid-1980s in era. Back in the days when we women were straddling...

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