Take my advice. I’m not using it.

March 16, 2014

If I had one piece of relationship advice for young women, this would be it.

Years ago I was in a serious relationship with a man who continually crossed boundaries he shouldn’t have, and then would bat his baby blues at me and say, “Well, darlin’, I didn’t mean it.”

Maybe not, but I didn’t mean to be the woman who had cops pull up and escort me out of the house.

“I didn’t mean it.”

Sometimes, we see the handwriting on the wall and don’t act on it. That’s a mistake.

Which is something for young women in relationship to remember.

Character and integrity are necessary foundations for a good life.

And it’s absolutely true that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


And while I’m on the topic of advice to young women, here’s another truism.

I once dated a man whose lies slid off his tongue like greased lightning. Quickly and smoothly.

I knew early on that I shouldn’t trust him.  I just didn’t WANT to know. If you know what I mean.

So if you’re wondering, wonder no more. NOT. TRUSTWORTHY.

Get. Out. While you can.

Take my advice

Young women, I know you didn’t ask for my advice.  But hey, why not save yourself some heartache and benefit from my hard-earned, painful experience?

Readers, what advice do you have to share today?

5 comments on “Take my advice. I’m not using it.
  1. Love the UNKNOWN quote! I’ve never read it before, but it makes sense. I also like Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Took me YEARS to figure that out!

  2. I would warn women (young or old) away from the jealous types. It’s not a compliment that you aren’t trusted, and generally means they aren’t to be trusted themselves. (Something I learned from a 5-year-relationship. Way too long!)

  3. Linda Taylor says:

    When you get into a relationship, each woman seems to immediately change. They lose themselves and who they are. Everything is about the male, why aren’t they being attentive? What is it that makes them happy? (Gee, thanks Cosmopolitan) You need to stay who you are, with your hobbies, friends, and time apart to be who you are outside of the relationship.

  4. Elena Dillon says:

    Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times. So true. Listen to that little voice that tells you to “get out”. Thanks for sharing this!!

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