Teaching karma*

April 28, 2010

Yesterday I had a call from the chairman of the Communications Department at the university where I taught.

They weren’t able to find the tenure-track, full-time prof they sought and are re-listing the job. It’s a long process.

Meanwhile, they were looking for someone to fill the slot temporarily for a year, starting in August.

I’m honored to have been asked.

M. and I discussed it at length and it would be so complicated and disruptive this year that I had to turn it down. If it had been January through June 2011, we might well have done it.

The one good thing is that it got me off my ass in terms of researching prospects for an adjunct slot here in California.

* Karma: for every event that occurs, there will follow another whose existence was caused by the first; this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.’

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