If you’re not familiar with Brian L. Weiss, MD, who wrote Many Lives, Many Masters, a classic in the realm of spirituality, I highly recommend the book. Let me trot out his credentials, because they impress logical people (like me) : educated at Columbia University and Yale, now Chairman Emeritus of the Dept. of Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami.
The short background is this: More than 20 years ago a patient suffering acute anxiety came to him and as was his custom for tough cases, he used hypnosis. Lo and behold, the patient remembered over time multiple past lives in detail. To say he was startled would be an understatement.
Past lives have been extensively documented in the literature –including children who speak languages they have not been exposed to–and even Carl Sagan became convinced there was something to it.
Weiss was even more astonished when Master Spirits began to teach him and transmit messages via his patient.
Although the book’s a classic, for some reason I’d never read it until last week, and when I read the messages of the Master Spirits I got chills. They gave him messages that were almost verbatim things that I say, have said and that have come to me almost magically, thoughts put in my head at various times and even the title of a blog post I’d scheduled for this month.
Chills can be a sign inside our energy field that spirit uses to communicate with us, in case you are wondering. Can be. In this case, they were. My husband saw me really freaking out at some of the things I was reading.
The teachings are important for many reasons but mostly because they reinforce some important concepts we are meant to internalize and live by. The quotes are what Dr. Weiss’ patient said.
Teachings from the Master Spirits
War is senseless and wrong
“We will die for nothing…for defending the ideas of a few people. They are not leaders. If they were leaders, there would not be so much internal strife…in government.”
Balance in all things
“Nature is balanced. The beasts live in harmony. Humans have not learned to do that. They continue to destroy themselves. There is no harmony, no plan to what they do. Nature is energy and live and restoration. And humans just destroy. They destroy nature. They destroy other humans. They will eventually destroy themselves.”
Killing is wrong in any circumstance
“We have no right to abruptly halt peoples’ lives before they have lived out their karma. They will suffer greater retribution if we let them live. When they die and go to the next dimension they will suffer there. And they will be sent back, but their lives will be very hard …they will have to make up for the injustices that they did against them. We are not to kill, no matter what the circumstances. Only God can punish.”
It took many decades for these concepts to enter my head, but once they did, they were embedded there. So when I read them in Weiss’ book I was astonished. My core beliefs—this and more—unexpectedly in one slim volume written by a physician?
I have learned to pay attention to things that resonate so deeply in me.
Carol, this was synergistic I must say. I just had a patient tell me this week that Weiss was her guru. I had not heard of him and asked more about him. Now I read this. I will definitely pick up the book. I use hypnosis in my practice as well and it is amazing what happens. Thank you so much!
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Carol, your writing in this past week has resonated so with me. I do hope your book carries these themes. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Maybe we can talk more about this at BlogHer. Thank you, Kim.
Your post gave me chills.
Me, too, Val. thank you.
This really does give me chills, Carol. Wonderful.
Carol, this post is so intense and filled with thought provoking ideas. Makes me wonder who I was in past lives.
Carol, this was synergistic I must say. I just had a patient tell me this week that Weiss was her guru. I had not heard of him and asked more about him. Now I read this. I will definitely pick up the book. I use hypnosis in my practice as well and it is amazing what happens. Thank you so much!
Wow, can’t believe it! amazing “coincidence.”
I can’t wait to find this book! Sounds life changing. Thanks Carol
I need to reread his book.
I also hope your book follows this theme ore at least has it intertwined.
I cannot wait to read more about your experience.