Thank you, Apple

July 30, 2011

Thank you, Apple Computer, for understanding that high touch is as important as high tech.

Thank you for providing numerous ways for customers to interact with live human beings.

  • The Genius Bar is genius.
  • Your telephone “help” line is staffed with courteous people who actually do help.
  • And hey, you HAVE a telephone help line with live people!
  • Your in-depth One-to-One counseling for a fee is just fine: we know you have to make money.
  • Your website makes it easy to book appointments.

Yes, Apple, as long as you provide high touch, you’ll have my business.

Google, shame on you for providing help only in peer forums, even as your products get broader and more complex. I can only imagine what “service” on the Google self-driving car will be like, if you offer only peer forums as “service.”

Facebook, burying the ‘report a bug’ function doesn’t make users very happy.

AOL, you’re such a loser.

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