Thanksgiving marks the start of our winter holiday season, and it happens to be my favorite time of year. I can play Christmas carols without thinking it’s too early and in northern California, it’s cold enough to burn a couple of logs in the fireplace.
It’s been a peaceful day so far, only because we’re a small group without kids and we decided we wouldn’t go crazy with the meal. We are all marching inexorably to Social Security (with any luck) and can not fill our bellies as we did in our youth.
We’ll be four for dinner tonight, plus two dogs, lit candles and a roaring fire.
My “gay husband,” brined the bird and is cooking it now, along with a Bobby Flay dressing he loves. (When a former catering chef offers to make the turkey the only answer is YES!) His friend has Brussels sprouts on her stove.
We started early at my house. The pumpkin pie is done, my side dish of green beans, portobellos, brown sugar, goat cheese and other good stuff just has to be finished, and the potatoes need to be peeled, boiled and mashed. My legal husband has taken the wine out and vacuumed (yes, I know you want video but I forgot to shoot one.) Later, I’ll whip real cream for the pie.
Even though dinner’s being prepared in three different homes, G and I consulted by phone at 9am and since then have been texting photos of our progress back and forth (that stuffing looks good!).
I love how we can define family our own way, especially when we don’t have the fairy tale configuration. The phone rang all morning with warm thoughts across the miles from family and friends I consider family. Joanne and Bob in Tampa, young Michael, my Tampa nephew; my sister-in-love, Michele; a call with my brother-in-law; a text from another friend, emails from others.
We may not be going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house, but my gay husband and I have known each other almost 25 years, vacationed together and had many a good cry in each other’s company. If that ain’t family, I don’t know what is.
Still, we know that our parents, grandparents and the many loved ones who have crossed over are with us today. Unseen but always in our hearts, they’ll be with us at the table. And who knows, with any luck, one or two may even make their presence known.
Remembering the Thanksgivings of our past–including many with snow–I hope you, too, enjoy the Thanksgiving video above.
A whole day of gratitude for our many blessings–is there a better reason for a holiday?
I hope your day has been filled with warmth and love.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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