The art of God

October 4, 2011
Nature is the art of God.
~Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, 1635

Athabasca Falls (Alberta)
video below

5 comments on “The art of God
  1. Nature does me in also Carole. Often, all I can do is sit in awe and cry.

  2. Oriah says:

    Ah yes, have been there also. Lots of reasons why I appreciate living in Canada but probably none more important to me than the huge amount of natural land that is here- makes my heart sing 🙂

  3. Oriah, it seems that the natural land here is more unspoiled than in most parts of the US. We are big fans of Canada, for sure.

  4. Oriah says:

    Carol, we have a lot of land and one-tenth of the population of the US- so spoilage is slower 🙂

  5. Oriah,my husband said the same thing to me yesterday about population. 😉

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