The beauty of mom advice

October 2, 2018

I was thinking the other day about mom advice. That advice mothers give us. Or, as mothers, we give our kids. Solicited or not.

My mother didn’t exactly give advice, she mostly just flat out told me what I should and shouldn’t do. I would call it more a demand or mandate. Which I usually didn’t follow.

But when I told her I was going to marry what turned out to be my rebound husband, she DID give advice. She cried and told me it was too soon.

“When will it not be too soon?” I asked. It was a rhetorical question as I already knew I was going to marry him soon.

Umm. She was right. Too soon. If I’d waited, I wouldn’t have married him at all and that would’ve been the smart thing.

I don’t have kids but I do have nephews and I have either been asked for advice or offered it. The best advice I ever gave was to take a risk, because when you’re young, life is very forgiving.

So I’m asking: what’s the best mom advice you ever got from your own mother and what’s the best advice you, yourself gave as a mom or special friend?


3 comments on “The beauty of mom advice
  1. Diane says:

    I love Mom advice. Now I give Grandmom advice! 😉
    My favourite advice from my Mom was: “It’s nice to be important. But it’s more important to be nice!”

  2. mendingstone says:

    This will take some thought…

  3. Haralee says:

    Mom: Don’t ever be a doormat, you speak up!
    Me: Don’t ever be a doormat, you speak up!

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