The best April Fool’s Day hoax ever

April 1, 2014

april-fools-day-graphic1  I’m dying to know what the best April Fool’s hoax you ever saw was.

  Was it a trick you played on someone else? Or did you fall prey to a clever hoax?

  If you’ve got a good one, I want to hear it in the comments below.

 After you’ve done, that, I’ve got some fun April Fool’s Day reading for you.

 Have you heard of the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest?

How about the purchase of the Liberty Bell by Taco Bell?

Or that Alabama changed the value of Pi?

No, you haven’t heard of these interesting news stories? That’s because they were all April Fool’s Day hoaxes.

The top 100 April Fool’s Day hoaxes of all time can be found HEREfool

Happy reading!


20 comments on “The best April Fool’s Day hoax ever
  1. Argh! I got fooled first thing This morning! Michael said he cleaned up dog poop ALL over the bathroom which hasn’t happened since we put Holly down a few months ago. I was devastated, thinking one of the dogs was sick… (these 2 only mess in the house if they are sick). Grrr.

  2. My husband had a meeting this morning, and he sent out an agenda to the other participants, announcing his resignation in agenda item #1 due to taking a job in Cairo, Egypt. He got a couple of panicky phone calls. (Agenda item #3 was the announcement of April Fools. Har, Har.

  3. Laura Kennedy says:

    My ex put a notice in the (Waldorf) school newsletter that they were introducing school uniforms: tie-dye t-shirts & jeans, to be done at home by the students themselves. Office got SEVERAL irate phone calls, which they replied to by pleading, “Check the date of the newsletter?”

  4. My heart stopped beating for my friend Kerry Lyons with this one:

  5. I liked the one where Johns hopkins university changed it’s name to John Hopkins U.

  6. Doreen McGettigan says:

    I heard the spaghetti one on the radio this morning. Ridiculous but funny.
    My grandkids love coming up with hoaxes for my husband because he has no sense of humor. I love instigating them.
    One of my favorites is reparking his truck or motorcycle on the other aide of the street.

  7. The Huz did one once that claimed Canada was going to drop the extra letter “u” in words such as “humour” and “neighbour” to save ink. Very convincing! And I draw one every year on my blog but last year’s April Fools worked a little too well…I managed to convince my tribe I was quitting blogging…

  8. Karen @BakingInATornado says:

    Mother Nature got me this morning. I was wearing shorts the other day and today it’s freezing and they’re talking about possible flurries. I am NOT amused.

    I also got reverse hoaxed. A friend sent me an email saying she’d lost her blog, it was suspended and she can’t get an answer as to why. I laughed and told her “good try”. Turns out it wasn’t so funny, it’s true. Been working all day with her to set up a new blog.

  9. I like reading all these — so much better than the vaseline-on-the-toilet seat trick someone did during college (not to me).

  10. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    I got so caught up in the foolishness (!) of the A-Z blogging challenge, that I forgot it was All Fool’s Day, until I saw a post doing the rounds of Facebook saying that Stephen King’s ‘On Writing’ was banned in India. 😉

  11. Melissa says:

    A provocative twitter post of a kissing couple with an anniversary greeting sandwiched in between my Christian posts.
    *a follower wrote me about it*

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