The blues

January 25, 2017



9 comments on “The blues
  1. PatU says:

    I’m not singing them, but I’ll admit that I have a serious case of the blues.

  2. Carla says:

    I had valiantly fought them off until yesterday. Yesterday broke me. Today is a new one.

  3. I love the song, but I really love the blues! Memphis is one of my favorite places for it.If you’ve never been there you really should! Beale Street is amazing.

  4. Marian says:

    Tis the season. Here, it’s cold, grey and dreary. Doesn’t help. Plus the new order scares the “you know what” out of me. I am concerned about our collective future.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Alas. The feeling is mutual.

  6. Diane says:

    For the first time in days (and days) the sun is shining here. Trying to allow it to seep into my soul. Too many shadows there of late.

  7. Here in Philly it’s been gray, foggy and raining for days. I was so happy to see the sun today. My mood is definitely affected by the weather. On a positive note, the rain could have been massive amounts of snow.

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