The bottom line of online dating

March 23, 2011

I know many women my age don’t like online dating, but I loved it.

Every new date was an adventure and even the bad experiences were so wildly bad that all I could do was laugh. I met people I might not ordinarily have met and in general, it was great fun.

You’ve probably heard the ubiquitous E-harmony ads; no online dating service has been marketed as aggressively. Applicants must complete a huge-ass questionnaire and are not in “free communication” with their “matches” for some time. It seemed like a klugey process.

After I saw this Bluntcard, I realized that E-harmony could replace their hundreds of questions with simply one, and have just as many “matches.”

I have wild hopes that E-harmony will pick this up as their new ad campaign.

But I’m pretty sure they’ll send a cease-and-desist, instead.

They probably already have.

2 comments on “The bottom line of online dating
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    that graphic totally cracked my shit up.

  2. I Do Declare says:


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