The Desiderata

January 17, 2009

Oh, who could forget the days when The Desiderata was all the rage…it was some time in the early 70s, I think, and we all thought it was so profound.

Mostly after we’d smoked a bowl or two.

A few years ago, a girlfriend and I were fond of spouting it to each other at appropriate and inappropriate times. I mean, there are so MANY times when the only good response is “No doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should”

Or “Be gentle with yourself.”

How about “Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.”

My favorite is “Do not distress yourself with imaginings.”

And then there’s “always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”

Yeah, the Desiderata.

It’s still kind of profound.

Even without the bowl.

(Click the photo and it’ll get large enough to read.)

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