The first signs of fall

September 6, 2013
The first sign of autumn

The first sign of autumn

The morning was warm and the dogs were panting a bit on our walk. It was still August — not even the first sign of cooler weather — so I was surprised to see a small yellow leaf , lying alone on the sidewalk.

Fall is coming to Northern California and I’m looking forward to it. That little chill in the morning air that means long sleeves? I love it. Bundling up in a warm sweatshirt, enjoying the canopy of red and gold against the blue sky? Those things can’t come soon enough for me.

I’m certain we’ll have another spell of heat before summer relinquishes its hold on the South Bay.

Even browner. Yes, fall will be here. Soon.

Even browner. Yes, fall will be here. Soon.

But, as I saw further down the walk, the trees are already doing their thing. A multicolored carpet will soon cushion our dog walks.

Can’t come soon enough for me.


5 comments on “The first signs of fall
  1. hank says:

    tis the autumn of our days… blessed time

  2. susan says:

    Just because you saw a leaf fall on the ground does not make it Fall. Leaves fall all the time. Still another month of Summer – check the calendar.

    • admin says:

      It’s the color. Leaves that turned from green to yellow. Apparently, some species pay no attention to the date, they do their thing on their own schedule.

  3. Susan Cooper says:

    I love when the air starts to have a crispness to it and the colors start to change. Can’t wait for fall. 🙂

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